Netflix I Cyberpunk: Edgerunners I Composer: Seth Olinsky
Evil, I Trailer | Composer: Seth Olinsky | Director: Vanessa Beletic
VW | The Wheel | Composer: Seth Olinsky | Director: Sam Brown
Netflix I Is That Black Enough For You? I Composer: Seth Olinsky I Director: Elvis Mitchell
ESPN I NBA Tip-Off I Composer: Seth Olinsky I Agency: Arts & Letters I Production Company: Psyop
Netflix I Apollo 10 1/2 Trailer I Composer: Seth Olinsky I Director: Richard Linklater
Ubisoft | Assassin's Creed Odyssey Live Action TV Trailer | Composer: Seth Olinsky | Client: Ubisoft
Nike I For Once, Don’t Do It I Composer: Seth Olinsky
Uber Eats I Tonight I’ll Be Eating I Composer: Seth Olinsky
GMC HUMMER EV I Revolutionaries I Composer: Seth Olinsky
Jimmy John’s I Tony’s Nightmare I Composer: Seth Olinsky I Director: Craig Gillespie
Nike I Invisible Heroes I Composer: Seth Olinsky
Apple | Introducing Apple Watch Series 4 | Composer: Seth Olinsky | Agency: Apple
NIKE | The Next Wave | Composer: Seth Olinsky | Agency: Wieden & Kennedy Shanghai | Director: Martin Krejci
Nike Brand Jordan | The Winning Moment | Composer: Seth Olinsky | Director: Brian Beletic | Agency: Wieden & Kennedy | Editor: Biff Butler
Netflix I Return to Space Trailer
Nike | Breaking 2 Trailer | Composer: Seth Olinsky | Director: Martin Desmond Roe | Agency: Wieden Kennedy
Bunny (LF) | American Express | Composer: Seth Olinsky | Music Studio: Consortium | Production Company: Smuggler | Director: Brian Beletic | Agency: Dentsu Mcgarry Bowen | Editor: Maury Loeb
PS4 | Wonderland | Composer: Seth Olinsky | Director: Matthijs Van Heijningen | Agency: BBH
Uber Eats I Inflatables Happen I Composer: Seth Olinsky I Agency: Special U.S. I Director: Tim Godsall I Editor: Laura Sanford